What to Look at When Choosing Biz Opp Offers

 3 min read

Editor’s note: This is a guest post written by Daniella Kravtsova from MGID.

Business opportunities or Biz Opp offers have been an inexhaustible source of affiliate profit for years.

When we talk about Biz Ops, let’s start with the nuances. There is a variety of business packages to pick from: product and service reselling, work-at-home programs based on computerized services, courses, training programs etc.

Similarly to Crypto Trading or Binary Options, the Biz Opp vertical is often mistaken for a Financial or Gambling niche. To keep your facts straight, always remember that the conversion point for Biz Ops is usually a straight sale or a recurring membership that provides the user with access to the inventory.

Learn more: Most Profitable Niches for Affiliate Marketing to Know

Now that you have the basics, let’s get practical and go through the subtleties of choosing and promoting Biz Opp affiliate offers wisely (a.k.a. without losing your hard-earned ad budget).

We’ve gathered a list of essential tips to get you going flawlessly.

Choose a Biz Opp Offer Wisely

From our experience, a reasonable CPA for these kinds of offers ranges from $200 to $500.

Time sure is money in this business, so if you want the leads to be converting, make sure the GEO you target has local sales support. Otherwise all your advertising efforts may end up useless: the hot lead won’t be contacted on time and will eventually cool off.

Check if the application form on the landing page is simple enough. No one will bother with filling in a dozen of fields. Name, email and a phone number are usually more than enough for the support team to take it further and close the sale.

Learn more: 10 Top Landing Page Optimization Tips

Campaign Settings That Will Serve You Right

We won’t bore you with instructions here. Just keep the following in mind:

GEO: Tier 1 countries do have higher CPAs. But it doesn’t mean these are the only options you should focus on. Again, if there is a good contact center, any GEO will work. Our clients have achieved some impressive ROIs targeting Venezuela, Nigeria and Taiwan.

Target audience: Biz Opp offers work best for women in their 30’s and young Biz Opp seekers aged 22+ who already have money to invest.

Campaign schedule: monitor trends in the vertical and learn from them them. If binary options are hot right now, schedule a corresponding campaign. Always keep the working hours of your sales support though. Why? If the local contact centres don’t work on weekends, it is better to turn your campaign off on Saturdays and Sundays.

Don’t Underestimate the Creatives

Localize your creatives. And we don’t just mean the language. Try using tricks both in text and design that work for this particular GEO. The least you can do is to use local currency in the texts.

Review the landing and pre-landing pages. Don’t promise too much, because you risk to appear as “too good to be true” and people won’t buy. Trust is a big driver in the vertical and speaking of it – try dropping a few testimonials on your pages. The Biz Opp niche loves them. The same rules apply – they should be as true to life as possible. A handsome man in a Brioni suit standing in front of a brand new Porsche won’t work as good as an average-looking man with a beer belly standing in front of his new BMW.

Relatable, right? (And no, we are not calling you fat, you’re big boned!!!)

To illustrate what we mean, we’ve got a couple of effective creative examples for you. Well, actually we’ve got screenshots, but you’ll get the idea from them.

Creative Example #1 – GEO: South Africa

biz opp creative example 1

biz opp creative example 2

Creative Example #2 – GEO: India

biz opp creative example 3

biz opp creative example 4

Creative Example #2 – GEO: Saudi Arabia

biz opp creative example 5

We do understand practical cases are more persuasive than general tips. So let’s have a look at one.

Case Study

biz opp offer case study

Wait, did you think we’ll just drop a list at your doorstep and bail? That’s not how we roll. You won’t have to do all the hard work by yourself. Your experienced MGID account manager will monitor and optimize your campaigns daily to improve performance and maximize your revenue.

Ready to try? Click here to take advantage of the exclusive bonus and launch your first winning Biz Opp campaign!
