Discovering the Tracker Capabilities


Time for you to find out everything about Mobidea’s awesome new Tracker Capabilities and use analytical data to the max! What’s best than to hear it from our colleague Karina?

Hello! My name is Karina, and I’m an account manager at Mobidea. Today, I would like to talk to you about what can you find and how can you navigate on our Tracker.

To access the tracker go to the menu on the left tab and choose the first icon called Tracker.

This is the place where you can analyse all the data from you activity so far, even if you don’t use our Tracking capabilities.

By default you will see the inventory of all the campaigns you have been running using our tracking tool.

If you haven’t set your campaigns yet and you wish to see your stats (of your Smartlink or Single Offers) click on the button “Offer” and choose from the drop down what you want to visualize. Or choose any other feature to see your stats from the upper menu:

Campaign, Date, Traffic Source,Country, IP, Operator, Browser, Device type, Referral and Dayparting.

Use the filters for countries, operators, OS, browsers and device types to see the stats in a more transparent way.

The three boxes below will allow you to go even deeper in your analysis and evaluate the performance on a tri-level basis.

You can change the visualization type between tree and table design, on the right upper part of the page.

Let’s say you’re running a campaign for Colombia.

Click on it, in order to see only the data from that campaign.

Now, let’s see which website was the best for a specific IP. Select the features and click on “apply”.

Now let´s take a closer look on what we like to check: metrics. Those will help you to take better decisions when optimizing your campaigns.

From left to right we start with visits and clicks.

Clicks represent the number of times the user visits the offer page.

Visits is the number of times the user reaches the prelander of the offer. If no prelander is used, both of those metrics are equal.

The next ones are signups, that is the number of conversions made on the offer that is bringing you all that revenue you can see right after.

Then, the Costs value if you are tracking any.

Afterwards we see

  • the Average CPC, which is the average Cost per Click
  • the Landing Page Click Through Rate, which is the relation between the Visits and Clicks, letting you know if the users that reached your prelander were interested enough to go to the offer final page. The higher the Landing Page CTR, the better

Next, we can see the Conversion Ratio, which tells how many conversions were generated on the number of clicks delivered.

EPC are the earnings per 100 clicks. Here, the goal is to have more earnings with lower clicks so that we have less costs of traffic and generate even more.

AP stands for the average payout, that is the revenue divided by the number of conversions.

By comparing it with your average Cost per Acquisition, you can quickly estimate your profitability.

Which leads us to the Profit column, that is the difference between the Revenue you have generated and the Cost you have paid to make it.

This is what you have earned in reality.

The last one is ROI – your return on investment,

The ROI, shows you the relation between profits and cost.

Let´s keep it always positive!

Another great feature of the tracker is the campaign creation part.

But let’s explore this on another tutorial.

Now you’re good to go!

Let’s conquer the Affiliate Marketing world 😉
